Charlotte Melia, Founder & CEO of D&F Creative

Charlotte Melia is a multi-award-winning Founder and CEO at D&F Creative: A global creative studio, specialising in people engagement events, brand activations, and fan zones. Charlotte won ‘Creative Entrepreneur of the Year’ at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards in 2022, followed by awards for ‘Best Business Growth’ and ‘Best DEI Initiative’ in 2024. Charlotte is an active member of UN Women UK, The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, and the APPG for Women & Work at Westminster. D&F Creative is also a women-founded, women-owned organisation, as globally certified by WeConnect International. Charlotte is a champion for D&I and is a founding member of the 93% Club – celebrating state school-educated excellence in business.


In the evolving landscape of work, the way we connect as colleagues and teams is changing. As Founder and CEO of D&F Creative, a global events business that prides itself on innovation, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the needs and preferences of today’s workforce—particularly Millennials and Gen Z—are reshaping the concept of office events. The shift we’re seeing isn’t just about updating old traditions; it’s about creating inclusive, diverse, and impactful experiences that reflect the values of a new generation.

The Shift: From Alcohol-Fuelled Gatherings to Meaningful Engagement

For decades, office events revolved around after-hours happy hours or boozy holiday parties. While these may have provided a chance for relaxation and camaraderie, they increasingly feel out of sync with the preferences of today’s workforce. Millennials and Gen Z are driving a cultural shift towards wellness, inclusivity, and authenticity, leaving many traditional office events feeling stale and disconnected.

The new generation of workers values experiences that resonate with their personal beliefs and professional aspirations. The result? A growing demand for events that are less about alcohol and more about connection, learning, and shared purpose. When I look back over the most successful events this year, those which facilitated genuine connection stand out, whether that’s via intimate moments or all-company moments.

Inclusivity and Diversity: The Cornerstones of Modern Office Events

Inclusivity and diversity aren’t just buzzwords—they are essential components of any successful office event in today’s workplace. For younger workers, inclusivity isn’t an option; it’s an expectation. This generation wants to see events that celebrate and reflect the diversity of the workforce, offering everyone a seat at the table.

To meet this expectation, office events must be designed with a conscious effort to include people from all backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, and abilities. This means thinking beyond the standard formats and creating experiences that everyone can enjoy, whether it’s ensuring venues are accessible, providing a variety of non-alcoholic drink options, or offering activities that cater to different interests, neurodivergence’s, and cultural backgrounds.

One approach that’s gaining traction is the idea of “cultural exchange” events, where employees are encouraged to share aspects of their own culture, whether through food, music, or storytelling. These events foster understanding and appreciation among colleagues, breaking down barriers and building stronger, more inclusive teams.

D&F Creative recently won a national award for our ‘Best DEI Initiative’ with META London. This event approached inclusivity from a company-centric perspective; encouraging neuro-inclusion, gender-inclusivity, and participation from multiple business functions.

Regular, Intentional Programming: The New Normal

Gone are the days when office events were limited to annual holiday parties or the occasional team-building retreat. The future of office events lies in more regular, intentional programmes, that keep employees engaged and connected year-round. At D&F, we call this your ‘People Engagement Strategy.’

This shift towards more frequent events is driven by the recognition that one-off events can feel forced or superficial. Instead, companies are realising the value of creating a steady cadence of opportunities for employees to come together, whether it’s for a monthly lunch-and-learn, a quarterly team outing, or a weekly wellness session. Furthermore, hybrid working has removed ‘water-cooler moments’ from employees’ daily rhythm. It is our responsibility as leaders to provide regular moments for meaningful team connection, even more so in an era of flexible working. Staff who feel real personal bonds in the workplace are proven to be more productive, engaged, and committed to the companies’ long-term goals.

By integrating these events into the regular rhythm of work, companies can foster a culture of continuous connection and collaboration. This approach also allows for greater flexibility and responsiveness, enabling companies to tailor events to the evolving needs and interests of their teams.

Daytime Events: Embracing Work-Life Harmony

As work-life balance continues to be a top priority for Millennials and Gen Z, there is a growing preference for daytime office events. Unlike after-hours gatherings that can intrude on personal time, daytime events are more likely to be welcomed by employees who value their evenings and weekends for family, hobbies, or simply recharging. Evening events disproportionately impact working parents and even more so working mothers, for whom the cost and logistics of childcare can make after-work events prohibitive.

Daytime events also send a powerful message about the company’s commitment to work-life harmony. By scheduling events during work hours, companies demonstrate that they value employees’ personal time and are willing to invest in their well-being.

Furthermore, daytime events are often more accessible to employees with caregiving responsibilities, those who may not drink alcohol for personal or religious reasons, and again, women, for whom getting home late at night may not be possible. This inclusivity further strengthens the sense of community within the workplace.

Impactful Experiences: Beyond Entertainment to Purpose

Today’s workforce is driven by purpose. Millennials and Gen Z want to feel that their work—and by extension, their workplace events—has a positive impact on the world. This shift towards purpose-driven engagement is leading companies to rethink their approach to office events, moving beyond mere entertainment to create experiences that are meaningful and impactful.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by aligning office events with corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Imagine a team-building day that involves volunteering at a local charity, or an office-wide challenge to raise funds for a cause that resonates with employees. These types of events not only foster a sense of community within the workplace but also allow employees to connect with something larger than themselves.

At D&F Creative, we’ve seen a surge in demand for events that combine social impact with team bonding. Whether it’s organising a company-wide day of service, or hosting a sustainability workshop, these events resonate deeply with employees, providing them with a sense of purpose and fulfillment that traditional office events often lack.

The Role of Technology: Enhancing Connection in a Hybrid World

As the world of work continues to embrace hybrid models, the role of technology in office events is becoming increasingly important. Virtual and hybrid events have moved beyond being a stopgap during the pandemic; they are now a vital tool for connecting distributed teams and ensuring that all employees, regardless of location, can participate in office events.

However, the key to successful virtual, or hybrid events lies in thoughtful design and execution. It’s not enough to simply livestream an in-person event; companies must think creatively about how to engage both in-person and remote attendees in meaningful ways. This might involve incorporating interactive elements like live polls, breakout sessions, IRL home kits, or virtual networking opportunities that allow remote employees to feel just as involved as their in-person counterparts.

Looking Ahead: Crafting the Future of Office Events

As we look to the future, it’s clear that office events will continue to evolve in response to the changing needs and preferences of the workforce. The traditional models no longer suffice; instead, we must embrace new approaches that prioritise inclusivity, diversity, and meaningful engagement.

At D&F Creative, we are excited to be at the forefront of this transformation. By creating events that reflect the values and aspirations of today’s workers, we can foster deeper connections, stronger teams, and a more inclusive workplace culture.

The future of office events isn’t just about bringing people together—it’s about creating experiences that resonate, inspire, and leave a lasting impact. In doing so, we not only build better workplaces but also contribute to a better world.

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